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Monday, 01 February 2010 20:35

Zipit Z2 - Fluxbox Window Auto-sizing

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I've continued to refine my environment on the Zipit Z2, and noticed that the direction towards Matchbox instead of Fluxbox is getting popular, in part, due to default window sizes in Fluxbox greatly exceeding the 320x240 Zipit's screen.  I fixed that in Fluxbox with three simple steps:

1) Install DevilsPie.

apt-get install devilspie

2) Create some DevilsPie rules.

In ~/.devilspie/all.ds (create the directory and file), I placed the following text:

(geometry "320x240")

3) Make DevilsPie run with Fluxbox.

In ~/.fluxbox/startup, I added the following before my call to z2mouse-latest:

devilspie &

Suddenly, Fluxbox is much more useable.  Next I'll share how to do some keymappings for great justice!

Last modified on Friday, 10 January 2014 18:58
More in this category: « Zipit Z2 - Font Sizing!

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